Amazon Now Supports Federal Cannabis Legalization The second-largest private employer in the U.S. after Walmart has announced its support of federal legalization and passage of the MORE Act. |
Is Amazon the spark that reignites cannabis stocks? After the big announcement, analysts watch indicators like the S&P/TSX Cannabis Index to see whether it will trigger another buying spree. |
Can weed give Africa’s economies a buzz? Tobacco accounts for over 10% of Malawi’s GDP and 60% of its exports, yet in a decade the annual value of its yield has been cut in half. |
Ahead of Expected IPO Weedmaps Taps Jimmy Kimmel’s Wheelhouse Labs to Embed Cannabis in Daily Culture They aim to normalize cannabis like beer or coffee, and stifle its stigma by embedding the digital cannabis marketplace via popular culture. |
Another Big Beverage Maker Is Getting into Cannabis As Boston Beer creates a research and innovation subsidiary, many cannabis producers would seem eager to partner with the top beer maker. |