CBD and The Power of Family In analyzing consumers and nonconsumers, New Frontier Data’s new report underscores the importance of social networks on CBD consumption. |
Yes, Amazon Will Sell Weed; Stop Worrying and Start Acting The online retailer will likely sell cannabis as it does liquor, as federal legalization is unlikely to open a free-for-all marketplace. |
MORE Act: Federal Cannabis Legalization Reintroduced in House With new backing by Amazon, the MORE Act could provide major economic opportunities for plant-touching and ancillary businesses nationwide. |
Texas will slightly expand medical cannabis program HB 1535 would allow thousands more patients to access low-THC medical cannabis, yet offer little help fighting the dire opioids epidemic. |
China’s CBD crackdown deals blow to emerging market using cannabis-derivative in cosmetics China’s formal U-turn regarding the use of CBD in cosmetics represents a major blow to a fledgling market which quadrupled in the past year. |